Georges Dupré (1869-1909)

born in Saint-Étienne, French medallist, studied with Marioton, Roty and Thomas

Biography and works in French medallic art 1870-1940 (p. 238-242)

  • 19. La Glyptique
  • 187. Oreste au pied de la statue de Minerve (Orestes at the Feet of the Statue of Minerva)
  • 188. Salut au Soleil (Salute to the Sun)
  • 189. Méditation
  • 190. Hector Berlioz
  • 191. L'Angélus
  • 192. Souvenir et amitié (Memory and friendship)
  • 193. Cinquentenaire des Mines de Bruay (Fiftieth anniversary of the Bruay Mineworks)
  • 194. Hospices civils de Saint-Étienne

Selection of other medals and plaquettes