Georges-Henri Prud'homme (1873-1947)

born in Capbreton, French medallist and sculptor, studied with Falguière and A. Dubois

Biography and works in French medallic art 1870-1940 (p. 276-281)

  • 234. Hommage au Pasteur Charles-Auguste Goulden
  • 235. Boudeuse (The Sulker)
  • 236. Source et enfant pêcheur (Spring and Child Angling)
  • 237. Les Veuves (The Widows)
  • 238. Béndédicité (Saying Grace)
  • 239. Cinquantenaire de l'Association générale des Médecins de France (Fifitieth Anniversary of the General French Medical Association)
  • 240. Louis Pasteur
  • 241. Fulgence Ramond
  • 242. Tricentenaire de Molière (Molière Tercentenary)

Selection of other medals and plaquettes